About Us

Agent Angels

Hello, I’m Lori Dunn CEO of Mission Term.

After seeing firsthand how difficult it was for myself and other families to apply for term life insurance the old fashion way and the apprehensive feeling I had of a unknown person coming to my house to perform a medical exam on me along with the inconvenience of having to fast for 12 hrs. the night before for blood work, then BP check, height, weight and urine sample all felt so intrusive. Then, if any of your lab work, weight or blood pressure were off a bit you either got rated or declined. The worst part was having to wait almost a month to see if I was even approved and not knowing if my family was protected in the meantime.

No wonder so many people had put off buying life insurance that their loved ones so desperately need and deserves because it’s too intrusive, complex and time consuming - I knew there had to be an easier way! From this overwhelming and unpleasant experience, Mission Term was created to help families everywhere with affordable same-day coverage completed online in minutes without have to go through all the hassles of meeting with agents, examiners, blood work and wait times.

Plus, doesn’t it make more sense to get approved upfront first in minutes and know your rate with same-day coverage. Rather than paying upfront and not knowing if you rate will change due to medical exams or blood work results. Then having to wait weeks or months to see if you even got approved, rated or declined and not knowing if you have coverage in place.

Our Mission - Giving Back To Kids With Cancer One Policy At A Time!

As we set out to help families everywhere protect their loved ones with our easy same day term life coverage, we wanted to create a mission of Giving Back & Giving Hope to most vulnerable - kids fighting cancer. That’s why Mission Term will match your first month’s premium and donate it towards granting Angel Wishes to kids with cancer.

We ask that you join us on this journey of LOVE & COMPASSION by sharing our mission with all your friends and family and getting your affordable term life insurance policy with us today. Then together, we can all be that spark of life that brings kids with cancer hope and strength to fight harder against their illnesses while lifting their spirits and believing that anything is possible. Please join us and become the mission of hope today!

Your MissionTerm Team With Hearts

Lori Dunn
CEO & Angel Wish Director
Frank Lindsay
Chief Technology Officer